Odd Squad.

Odd Squad

And Then They Were Puppies; A Case of the Sillies

Agent Ohlm is called upon to save the day when every agent turns into a puppy; Dr. O gets the Sillies. (30 minutes)

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Fri, 4/19 at 12:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Zero Effect; Bad Luck Bears

Olive and Otto try to stop zeroes from disappearing; odd things happen to the Bears basketball team. (30 minutes)

Fri, 4/19 at 4:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

A Case of the Sing-Alongs; Ms. O Uh-0h

Mayor Macklemore catches a case of the Sing-A-Longs; Ms. O from the past appears at the office. (30 minutes)

Sat, 4/20 at 12:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

A Case of the Sing-Alongs; Ms. O Uh-0h

Mayor Macklemore catches a case of the Sing-A-Longs; Ms. O from the past appears at the office. (30 minutes)

Sat, 4/20 at 4:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Slow Your Roll

The team learns about friction and how to slow down a moving object when a masked villain takes over the Mobile Unit van's computer. (30 minutes)

Sun, 4/21 at 12:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Slow Your Roll

The team learns about friction and how to slow down a moving object when a masked villain takes over the Mobile Unit van's computer. (30 minutes)

Sun, 4/21 at 4:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Zero Effect; Bad Luck Bears

Olive and Otto try to stop zeroes from disappearing; odd things happen to the Bears basketball team. (30 minutes)

Mon, 4/22 at 12:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Zero Effect; Bad Luck Bears

Olive and Otto try to stop zeroes from disappearing; odd things happen to the Bears basketball team. (30 minutes)

Mon, 4/22 at 4:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Blob on the Job; Party of 5,4,3,2,1

Olive and Otto compete against viral agents to catch a blob that has gotten loose in Odd Squad headquarters; people in town can no longer count down. (30 minutes)

Tue, 4/23 at 12:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Blob on the Job; Party of 5,4,3,2,1

Olive and Otto compete against viral agents to catch a blob that has gotten loose in Odd Squad headquarters; people in town can no longer count down. (30 minutes)

Tue, 4/23 at 4:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Oscar and the Oscarbots; Picture Day

Oscar's Oscarbots get lost in town; Otto and Olive try to figure out why people are becoming plaid and striped. (30 minutes)

Wed, 4/24 at 12:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Oscar and the Oscarbots; Picture Day

Oscar's Oscarbots get lost in town; Otto and Olive try to figure out why people are becoming plaid and striped. (30 minutes)

Wed, 4/24 at 4:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Night Shift; Put Me in Coach

The agents find out that things are different at night at Odd Squad; agents visit unicorns in Cloud Town. (30 minutes)