Dinosaur Train.

Dinosaur Train

Best Ever Babysitter; Plant a Tree

Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don have fun when their babysitter watches them for a night; the kids learn about sycamore trees while visiting their grandparents. (30 minutes)

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Mon, 6/3 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Arnie Rides the Flatcar; Old Reliable

Tiny and Buddy arrange for Arnie to be the first big dinosaur to ride on the new flatbed car; the kids see the field of geysers. (30 minutes)

Tue, 6/4 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Tiny and the Crocodile; Meet the Grandparents

The family meets a 40-foot crocodile with big teeth; the kids find out they share many traits with their grandparents. (30 minutes)

Wed, 6/5 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Underwater Race; Buddy Wants to Fly

Buddy, Tiny, the Pteranodons and others form two teams to race across the Western Interior Sea; Buddy constructs a pair of wings. (30 minutes)

Thu, 6/6 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

An Apatosaurus Adventure; Nature Art

Apollo Apatosaurus is a long-necked, long-tailed dinosaur who likes adventure; the kids make nature art on the beach. (30 minutes)

Fri, 6/7 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Triassic Turtle; Tank's Baby Brother

Don meets Adam Adocus, a turtle who can retract into his shell for self defense; Tank feels left out when everyone dotes on his new baby brother. (30 minutes)

Tue, 6/11 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Mom Was a Kid Once

Mom and her best friend, Tilly, reunite but can't agree on what they had a disagreement about when they were kids; Mom and Tilly return to their old neighborhood and visit the swamp where they used to play. (30 minutes)

Thu, 6/13 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Iggy Iguanodon; Shiny Can't Sleep

Iggy Iguanodon shows the family his unique way of walking; Shiny gets homesick. (30 minutes)

Fri, 6/14 at 5:30 am on Austin PBS Kids

Father's Day

King and Crystal go to a concert. (30 minutes)