Elinor Wonders Why.

Elinor Wonders Why

The Little Drummer; Rest Is Best

Ari tries to be quiet so his sister can take a nap, but a woodpecker keeps making noise outside; the kids learn that all animals need some sort of rest to regain energy and stay healthy. (30 minutes)

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Wed, 5/29 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Bird Song; No Need to Shout

Noisy birds keep Elinor's dad awake; Elinor loses her voice just before she and her friends are supposed to sing for the class. (30 minutes)

Wed, 5/29 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Ms. Mole's Glasses; Elinor Stops the Squish

Elinor and her friends set out to return Ms. Mole's glasses to her after she forgets them at school; Elinor and her friends want to bring Ms. Mole a cupcake for her birthday. (30 minutes)

Thu, 5/30 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Wind in the Web; The Pokey Plant

Elinor and her friends help Mr. Raccoon with his bakery sign; Elinor is excited for Plant Day at school -- until she gets a cactus to bring home. (30 minutes)

Thu, 5/30 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Echo Location; Ears to You

Olive and Elinor learn about echoing voices when playing Marco Polo with Ari; while at the lake, Elinor and her friends realize they can't see ears on certain animals. (30 minutes)

Fri, 5/31 at 11:00 am on Austin PBS HDTV

The Lizard Lounge; Feathers

Elinor and her friends come up with a plan when lizards get in the way of Mrs. Beaver's new park bench; Elinor and her friends observe birds. (30 minutes)

Fri, 5/31 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

The Tomato Drop; Look What I Can Do

Elinor, Ari and Olive enter the tomato drop contest at the Animal Town Tomato Festival; Elinor and Ari notice their friends are good at soccer, but they are not. (30 minutes)

Sat, 6/1 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

The House That Ants Built; Special Places

Elinor and her friends each have their own ideas about how to build a couch cushion castle; Ari can't remember where he left his favorite ball. (30 minutes)

Sun, 6/2 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Ms. Mole's Glasses; Elinor Stops the Squish

Elinor and her friends set out to return Ms. Mole's glasses to her after she forgets them at school; Elinor and her friends want to bring Ms. Mole a cupcake for her birthday. (30 minutes)